About the project
Tarryall Creek
Freestone was contracted to provide fisheries solutions for a 6-mile reach of the low gradient, Tarryall Creek below Tarryall Reservoir. This project reach struggled with adequate sediment transport, streambank stability, and deep-water holding habitat which resulted in limited fish occupancy. In addition, historic stream restoration performed over a little over a decade prior was degrading the stream course at an alarming rate. Freestone goals through the design were to restore aquatic function lost due to previous stream enhancement efforts along with providing proper sediment transport through the acceleration of flows. Freestone Aquatics looked to manipulate existing conditions to restore proper riffle-run-pool sequencing, which in turn, would also reduce stream temperature increase opportunities, generate higher levels of dissolved oxygen, and increase overall macroinvertebrate abundance. In addition to the in-stream restoration efforts, Freestone also designed over 5.5 acres of bio-engineered streambank and wetland environment enhancement and re-establishment treatments. The 6-mile project allowed Freestone to incorporate multiple design elements to return this once degraded stream course into a fully functioning aquatic, riparian, and wetland ecosystem.
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